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  • 商品货号:F149129
  • ¥1100元
    已售 3 件 | 评价 0 人次 | 关注度 338
    • accession:NM_006896
    • 基因别名:HOXA7
    • 基因描述:Homo sapiens homeobox A7 (HOXA7), mRNA.
    • 载体:现货载体
    • CDS区长度:693
    • 翻译后氨基酸长度:230
    • 基因简介:In vertebrates, the genes encoding the class of transcription factors called homeobox genes are found in clusters named A, B, C, and D on four separate chromosomes. Expression of these proteins is spatially and temporally regulated during embryonic development. This gene is part of the A cluster on chromosome 7 and encodes a DNA-binding transcription factor which may regulate gene expression, morphogenesis, and differentiation. For example, the encoded protein represses the transcription of differentiation-specific genes during keratinocyte proliferation, but this repression is then overcome by differentiation signals. This gene is highly similar to the antennapedia (Antp) gene of Drosophila. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
    • 载体信息:自有图片地址
    • 规格:10ul 质粒
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    翻译后氨基酸参数序列: 点击查看序列