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人 LRP1 (NM_002332) cDNA克隆
人 LRP1 (NM_002332) cDNA克隆
  • 商品货号:FC122548
  • ¥13000元
    已售 6 件 | 评价 0 人次 | 关注度 557
    • accession:NM_002332
    • 基因别名:LRP1
    • 基因描述:Homo sapiens low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1), mRNA.
    • 载体:现货载体
    • CDS区长度:13635(含1处突变)
    • 翻译后氨基酸长度:4544
    • 基因简介:The protein encoded by this gene is an endocytic receptor involved in several cellular processes, including intracellular signaling, lipid homeostasis, and clearance of apoptotic cells. In addition, the encoded protein is necessary for the A2M-mediated clearance of secreted amyloid precursor protein and beta-amyloid, the main component of amyloid plaques found in Alzheimer patients. Expression of this gene decreases with age and has been found to be lower than controls in brain tissue from Alzheimer patients. [provided by RefSeq, Jan 2010]
    • 规格:10ul 质粒
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