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人 MUC4 (NM_004532) cDNA克隆
人 MUC4 (NM_004532) cDNA克隆
  • 商品货号:G172135
  • 已售 3 件 | 评价 0 人次 | 关注度 275
    • accession:NM_004532
    • 基因别名:MUC4
    • 基因描述:Homo sapiens mucin 4, cell surface associated (MUC4), transcript variant 4, mRNA.
    • 载体:现货载体
    • CDS区长度:3531
    • 翻译后氨基酸长度:1176
    • TranscriptVariant:This variant (4), also called MUC4/Y, lacks coding exon 2 as compared to transcript variant 1. As a result, variant 4 encodes isoform d, which has the same N- and C-termini as isoform a encoded by variant 1. Isoform d, thought to be a membrane-bound protein, lacks the variable length, highly glycosylated region found in isoform a.
    • 基因简介:The major constituents of mucus, the viscous secretion that covers epithelial surfaces such as those in the trachea, colon, and cervix, are highly glycosylated proteins called mucins. These glycoproteins play important roles in the protection of the epithelial cells and have been implicated in epithelial renewal and differentiation. This gene encodes an integral membrane glycoprotein found on the cell surface, although secreted isoforms may exist. At least two dozen transcript variants of this gene have been found, although for many of them the full-length transcript has not been determined or they are found only in tumor tissues. This gene contains a region in the coding sequence which has a variable number (>100) of 48 nt tandem repeats. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
    • 规格:10ul 质粒
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