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  • 商品货号:CL0347
  • ¥1500元
    已售 7 件 | 评价 0 人次 | 关注度 1181
    • 细胞信息
    发货规格 1×10⁶
    别名 J-82; J 82; J82COT; J82 COT; J82 CO’T; J82/WT
    形态 上皮细胞样
    生长特性 贴壁
    培养条件 MEM+10%FBS+1%P/S
    冻存条件 90%FBS+10%DMSO
    传代方式 胰酶消化
    倍增时间 23h
    传代比例 1:2~1:4
    换液频率 每周2~3次
    生物安全等级 1
    • 细胞背景
    种属 人源
    组织来源 膀胱
    肿瘤类型 膀胱癌
    供体信息 58岁男性欧洲人
    背景描述 该细胞源自一名58岁患有膀胱移行细胞癌的白人男性。胞内无桥粒,有大量粗面内质网及突出绒毛,表达ras基因。
    • 遗传背景
    同工酶 AK-1, 1;ES-D, 1;G6PD, B;GLO-I, 2;Me-2, 1-2;PGM1, 1;PGM3, 2
    致癌基因 Contains the ras (H-ras) oncogene
    致瘤性 Yes,in nude mice
    抗原表达 HLA A2, Aw32, B5, B12, Cw5, Blood Type A
    核型 The cell line is aneuploid human male (XY), with most chromosome counts in the triploid range. However, the chromosome count range is quite broad, extending from hyperdiploid to hexaploid. Normal chromosomes N11 and N20 are under-represented with respect to the other normal chromosomes: altered forms of these two chromosomes are prominent as marker chromosomes. Chromosome N13 tends towards over-representation. Five marker chromosomes are noted: 20q+, 11q+, 8p+, del(1)(q31), 5p+(HSR). One of these, 20q, is identical to marker chromosome M1 of C. O’Toole, et al., Br. J. Cancer 38: 64, 1978. The remainder are not as clearly related to the original marker chromosomes noted by those authors.
    Amelogenin X,Y
    CSF1PO 10,11
    D2S1338 19
    D3S1358 16,18
    D5S818 12,13
    D7S820 9,11
    D8S1179 8,13
    D13S317 10,12 (ATCC=HTB-1; CCRID; Cosmic-CLP=753566; KCLB=30001) 12 (PubMed=27270441)
    D16S539 11,12
    D18S51 10,12 (ATCC=HTB-1) 12 (PubMed=27270441)
    D19S433 12,13
    D21S11 30 (CCRID) 30,31 (ATCC=HTB-1; PubMed=11416159)
    FGA 20,24
    Penta D 9,13
    Penta E 12,15
    TH01 9.3
    TPOX 11,12
    vWA 17,18