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  • 商品货号:ZT270
  • ¥599元
    已售 13 件 | 评价 0 人次 | 关注度 2229
    • 规格:20μl质粒
    • 复制子:ColE1 Ori
    • 质粒分类:枯草杆菌质粒;枯草整合质粒;枯草分泌质粒
    • 质粒大小:8965bp
    • 原核抗性:氨苄青霉素Amp
    • 克隆菌株:DH5α等大肠杆菌
    • 质粒简介:            pIEFBPR质粒是一个枯草整合型分泌载体,该质粒的参考文献:mazF, a novel counter-selectable marker for unmarked chromosomal manipulation in Bacillus subtilis            ColE1 ori, ColE1 replication origin; amp, ampicillin-resistance marker; spc, spectinomycin-resistance marker; lacI, lac-repressor-encoding gene; Pspac, Pspac promoter; mazF, E.coli toxin gene; Plpp, promoter of E.coli lpp gene; mazE, E.coli antitoxin gene; DR, directly-repeated sequence; amyE-front and amyE-back, upstream and downstream sequences of the B.subtilis amyE gene, respectively; bpr-front and bpr-back, upstream and downstream sequences of the B.subtilis bpr gene, respectively. All of the DNA sequences located between the amyE-front and amyE-back or the bpr-front and bpr-back allow integration into the chromosome of B.subtilis via a double-crossover event, resulting in selection for spectinomycin-resistance. The unique restriction enzyme sites are highlighted in blue.
    • 质粒图谱1: png/1-1F9151G53C07.png
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